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Flaunting it Filly Style ***Shop & Swap***

Bring us your gently used items that you no longer wear so that someone else can possibly enjoy them!  In return, you will get to shop for some fabulous new items.

So clean out your closet because as Marc Jacobs states,

“Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.”

The purpose of this event is to help a great group of charities but also to have fun.

FREE with your admission fee and contributions.

 Your contacts for this event are Erin Lamon and Katie Wolz

Please reach out to us with any questions!

Erin Lamon with Kentucky Elderlaw – or 494-7905

Katie Wolz with Oaklawn Health and Rehab- or 689-5960

We have included a guide to help you with his event.

You will need a ticket for admission and Please RSVP by March 15, 2018

Items would need to be dropped off at 4pm on March 21st 2018 at Aero Club.


Admission Fee:  $20 with the minimum of 5 items

Items should be in good shape without rips, tears or stains.

Suggested items to bring:

·       Dresses

·       Skirts

·       Pants

·       Fashion Jewelry

Please bring items on hangers!

Please leave at home:

·       Undergarments

·       Bathing suits

·       Socks

·       Derby hats/Hats

·       Shoes

·       Purses

·       Coats/Jackets

·       Gloves